Diabetes Care

How To Look After Your Feet With Diabetes

Diabetes can reduce the blood supply to your feet and cause a loss of feeling known as Peripheral Neuropathy. This damage is a result of poor blood sugar control over time. The damage to your circulation and sensation can put your feet at risk, hence why Podiatry is very important for those living with Diabetes.

Reduced blood supply to your feet can mean foot injuries do not heal and go unnoticed as your protective sensation is reduced. For example small injuries such as cuts or splinters may often go unnoticed when your sensation is reduced. This can be complicated by slow healing when the circulation is decreased and can result in infection or ulceration.

Podiatrists play an important role in the management of diabetes foot care. It is advised that people with diabetes present annually to a podiatrist to have their foot health status assessed. They can be classified as low, moderate or high risk depending on your risk factors. Podiatrists can utilise diagnostic tests to quantify your sensation and circulation. Furthermore a podiatrist can provide any necessary treatment needed and offer information about your foot health and informative advice can be given.

The risk of complications can be greatly reduced with better control of your blood sugar levels and seeking professional advice and treatment from your local podiatrists.

At Carousel Podiatry we are dedicated to providing the right treatment for you. We look after those working or living in Cannington,  East CanningtonQueens ParkBeckenham and Bentley. If you want to know more about how to treat Diabetes, please give us a call at Carousel Podiatry in Cannington or book online for an appointment.

diabetes and feet care